
  • Electronic engineering - Major in computer science and minor in Physics Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Valparaiso, Chile - 2007 - 2016
  • Elementary and High School Lycee Jean D'Alembert Valparaiso, Chile - 1994 - 2006 Obtained a B2 french diploma


  • Diio Fullstack Ruby on Rails developer 02/2024 - Today Chile (remote)
    • Worked in a team of 4 software engineers utilizing agile scrum methodologies, following TDD.
    • Implemented asynchronous features using Sidekiq.
    • Fixed bugs & built features in backend Ruby on Rails application and React frontend.
    • Integrated Microsoft Graph API to scrape user calendar data.
    • Integrated OpenAI API to send prompts to LLM and display answers to our users.
    • Worked along with a Redis expert, to solve race condition problems and improve caching in Rails.
  • Jobsity Fullstack developer Ruby on Rails (contractor) 06/2022 - 01/2024 US (remote)
    • Fullstack Ruby on Rails contractor.
    • Worked in integrating external services into the core suit of products.
    • Upgraded all rails feature flags from version 5.0 to version 7.0.
    • Optimized slow web pages by fixing bad usage of ActiveRecord Query interface, reduced number of object allocations and implemented UJS to load fragments of the application on demand.
    • Reduced memory ram consumption to ~50%, saved money on the applications hosted in Heroku.
    • Developed features for core suite products.
  • Políglota SpA Fullstack Ruby on Rails developer 08/2021 - 05/2022 Chile
    • Fixed bugs reported via Zendesk.
    • Optimized slow web pages by replacing fragments of a monolith rails application by UJS, making the web app faster and letting the user load what they need on demand.
    • Worked in a team of 4 software engineers utilizing agile scrum methodology.
    • Developed features for core suite of products.
    • Built new features in Vue.js frontend.
  • Workana & Poliglota Freelancer and lecturer (contractor) 01/2020 - 07/2021 South America (remote)
    • Taught at a bootcamp about Ruby on Rails in "Academia Desafío Latam".
    • Worked as freelancer in small projects posted at "Workana" (a website similar to Upwork in LATAM).
    • Fixed WordPress plugins.
    • Developed a Gutenberg plugin for WordPress.
    • Built web scrapers using Beautiful Soup and Selenium Web Browser (python).
    • Fixed bugs in web services.
  • Ocular Security SpA Fullstack web development & mobile development 01/2019 - 12/2019 Chile
    • Built an MVP Ruby on Rails monolithic web application.
    • Built an MVP mobile application in React Native.
  • Resed SpA Web designer and Web Developer 01/2014 - 01/2018 Chile
    • Built MVP & web applications monolithic applications for projects requested by customers in IoT sector.
    • Followed MVC design pattern.
    • Built REST API for mobile apps.
    • Used Bootstrap to build responsive web apps.